Pack your day full of devilishly delicious halloween recipes, ready in as little as 10 minutes.
From spider cupcakes to ghost cookies, why not get the little ghouls in your household to help.

Step-by-Step Frankenstein Milkshakes


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- 100g dark cooking chocolate, broken into pieces
- 300ml semi-skimmed milk
- 4 large scoops vanilla soft scoop ice cream
- 2 large ripe bananas, peeled and chopped
- Green food colouring
- 1 tsp chocolate strands
- A fine paintbrush

Preparation time: 15 mins
Total time required: 40 mins

Step 1

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Step 1

Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Stir until smooth and remove from the heat and cool for 10 minutes.

Then, using a fine paintbrush paint a Frankenstein face (a mouth and two eyes) on the inside of 2 drinking glasses or tumblers. Gently dip the rims of the glasses into the bowl of melted chocolate and using the brush spread the chocolate gently to give a wavy edge. Place the glasses in the fridge for 15-20 minutes until the chocolate has set.

Step 2

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Step 2

Place the milk, ice cream and bananas in a blender and process until smooth and creamy. Pour the milkshake into a large jug and stir in enough green food colouring to give a bright green colour.

Gently pour the milkshakes into the chilled glasses. Sprinkle the chocolate strands on top and serve immediately.


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Ghost milkshakes – paint a spooky chocolate mouth and 2 eyes on the inside of each glass. Omit the green food colouring in the milkshake. If liked top with a swirl of aerosol cream.

Pumpkin milkshakes – paint a chocolate pumpkin face of zig-zag mouth, triangle nose and eyes on the inside of each glass. Replace the green food colouring with orange food colouring and top each milkshakes with sweet popcorn, if liked.

Step-by-Step Chocolate Apples


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- 300g milk cooking chocolate, broken into pieces
- 300g white cooking chocolate, broken into pieces
- 300g dark cooking chocolate, broken into pieces
- 12 small eating apples
- 2-3 tbsp chopped toasted hazelnuts
- Selection of cake decorating sprinkles such as silver balls, gold hundreds and thousands and chocolate crispies
- 9 wooden lolly sticks (re-use washed and dried sticks from ice lollies or buy from a craft shop).

Preparation time: 10 mins
Total time required: 40 mins, plus setting time

Step 1

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Step 1

Line a large baking sheet with baking paper. Wash the apples and dry thoroughly with kitchen paper. Remove the stalks and push a lolly stick into the stalk end of each apple.

Then melt the milk, white and dark chocolates in three separate heatproof bowls each set over a pan of simmering water. Stir until smooth and remove from the heat.

Step 2

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Step 2

Dip four apples each in the melted milk, white or dark chocolate, turning to coat completely. Gently shake each coated apple to allow any excess chocolate to drip back into the bowl. Place on the lined baking sheet.

Step 3

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Step 3

Decorate some of the coated apples with the nuts and/or sprinkles of your choice. Spoon the rest of the melted chocolates into three small paper piping bags. Snip off the ends and pipe zig-zag drizzles of chocolate over the remaining undecorated coated apples.

Leave the apples in a cool place until the chocolate has completely set. Eat on the day of making or wrap in clear cellophane and store in a cool place for up to 3 days.

Step-by-Step Day of the Dead Skull Platter


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- 1 large flour tortilla
- 300g full-fat soft cheese
- 1 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced
- 25g small blueberries
- 2 small strawberries, hulled and halved
- 12 small red grapes, halved
- 1 small easy peeler orange, peeled, halved and sliced
- 180g bag lightly salted tortilla chips

Step 1

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Step 1

Use the flour tortilla as the base for the soft cheese ‘skull’. Cut out a paper template in the shape of a skull roughly 25cm x 18cm. Use the template to cut the tortilla into the shape. Place the tortilla on a large flat board or platter

Use a small palette knife to spread the soft cheese over the shaped tortilla. Position 2 kiwi fruit slices for eyes and dot each one with a blueberry.

Step 2

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Step 2

Use most of the blueberries to form a mouth and position a strawberry half for the nose. Arrange the halved grapes, cut-side down, around each eye.

Halve the rest of the kiwi slices and arrange on the ‘skull’ with the rest of the fruit to create a colourful pattern.

Step 3

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Step 3

Place the tortillas for dipping around the edge of the ‘skull’. Serve immediately or prepare the soft cheese and fruit ‘skull’ up to 2 hours before serving and chill in the fridge, adding the tortillas just before serving.

Step-by-Step Vegetable Skeleton with Ghoulish Green Dip


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For Green Dip
- 1 large ripe avocado, peeled, stoned and chopped
- 1 spring onion, trimmed and chopped
- 4tbsp soured cream
- Juice of 1 lime
- 2tbsp freshly chopped coriander
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For Veg Skeleton
- 1 chunk of cauliflower
- 24 mange tout
- 2 carrots, peeled, one cut into rounds and one cut into batons
- 8 sugar snap peas
- 4 closed cup mushrooms, sliced
- 2 button mushrooms
- 1 celery stalk, cut into batons
- ¼ cucumber, cut into rounds and batons
- 9 cherry tomatoes
- 1 large red pepper, deseeded and sliced
- Few pieces tenderstem broccoli
- 1 stuffed olive, halved

Step 1

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Step 1

To make the dip, place all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Place in a small bowl, cover the surface closely with cling film and chill whilst making the vegetable skeleton.

Step 2

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Step 2

To make the vegetable skeleton, trim the cauliflower chunk to shape a skull and position near the top of the board. Arrange the mange tout, carrot rounds, cucumber batons and most of the mushroom slices below the skull to create the main body of the skeleton.

Arrange the sugar snaps and some of the carrot and celery batons as arms and legs with cherry tomatoes for the shoulder, wrist and elbow joints. Add the button mushrooms for the kneecaps and use the cucumber slices for the heels. Use the rest of the sliced mushrooms for the feet and cut a carrot baton into 10 thin strips and position as hands. Place the pepper slices on top of the mange tout for the ribs.

Step 3

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Step 3

Arrange the broccoli and remaining carrot batons and cherry tomatoes around the top of the cauliflower skull as a headdress. Add the olive halves for eyes. Serve immediately with the dip or cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 2-3 hours before serving.