Morrisons in-store Amazon Locker gives you a hassle-free way to pick up your parcels. You can ‘click & collect’ by choosing one of our participating supermarkets as your delivery address when you buy Amazon goods online.

Using an Amazon Locker is a great new ‘self-service’ way to collect (or return) the gifts, gadgets, household items and other goods you buy online with Amazon. Instead of having to wait in for (or miss) parcel delivery to your home or business address, you can now pick it up at Morrisons while you shop - at a time that suits you.

Amazon Locker - how to use your in-store service

Add your local Amazon Locker to your Amazon address book either by searching the friendly name (featured in the top right hand corner of the Locker) or for the Morrisons store when you check out. 

Once your parcel is delivered to the secure Morrisons Amazon Locker in-store, you'll receive an email telling you your unique pickup code. Then, just head to your Morrisons store when you’re ready - your parcel will be kept in the Locker for three days. Just enter your pickup code or scan the barcode using the scanner, and follow the instructions on the screen to release your delivery.

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