We price match Aldi & Lidl, whichever is cheaper, on your weekly shopping essentials. Look out for the Aldi & Lidl Price Match logo instore/online or find the latest list of Aldi & Lidl Price Match products here.

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Aldi & Lidl Price Match - Terms and Conditions

Q1: What is Aldi & Lidl Price Match?

This is a supermarket price match where we will be the same price (or cheaper) on selected products at Morrisons against comparable Aldi & Lidl products.

Q2: What Aldi & Lidl products do we match?

We match our products with comparable eating or usage occasion [own-brand products] or identical branded products sold at Aldi & Lidl.

Q3: What prices do we check for our Aldi & Lidl Price Match?

We check the price of selected comparable products in-store and/or online at both Aldi & Lidl in England, Scotland and Wales twice a week, the price most often found is matched. We do not compare in Northern Ireland. Alcohol product prices are compared in England only due to minimum unit pricing in Scotland and Wales, but the Morrisons price in Scotland and Wales will either be the same as the price in England or the price set by minimum unit pricing.

Q4: How do you check Aldi’s & Lidl’s prices?

We match the individual advertised price of each product, excluding any promotions, multi-buy offers and any loyalty card prices. We take into account any size or weight difference through applying a pro-rata unit price based on Morrisons comparable product. 

Q5: Where can I find Morrisons Aldi & Lidl Price Match products?

They can be found in most Morrisons Supermarket stores/online but not in Morrisons Daily or other Morrisons channels. Number of Aldi & Lidl Price Matched products may vary per store/online. Not all Aldi & Lidl Price Matched products are available at all stores/online. Products matched vary by week and are subject to availability. We reserve the right to amend or remove Aldi & Lidl Price Matched Products or remove or amend the Aldi & Lidl Price Match offer at any time.